Loyakk (LYK)

Loyakk (LYK)


Loyakk transforms how companies collaborate & share data with partners, distributors, channel and vendors across the world – through private blockchain.



Tokens 10
Est. value 6.5$
Ends in 0 days
Validation 100% REAL


Token type ERC20
Total supply 177,000,000
Price/Token 0.65
1 ETH = N/A
Created at: May 28, 2018 8:26 am


Required Tools: Telegram Twitter

    1. Start the Loyakk Bounty Telegram Bot
    2. Join Telegram
    3. Follow on Twitter
    4. Submit your ETH address

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Concept/Idea Website Team Whitepaper

9 Experts from ICOBench have given Loyakk an average rating of 4.5/5 stars. 2/2 of the team have had their KYC verified. Experienced team from top-tier companies across the world, the leadership team has led marketing effort for multi-billion dollar solutions at SAP, Oracle-Siebel and VMware. The bounty is straightforward to sign up, ensure you remain in the Telegram channel until the ICO ends to be eligible to receive your tokens. We wish the Loyakk team all the best with their project.