Fluzcoin (FLZ)

Fluzcoin (FLZ)


Fluzcoin, as an independent retail coin structured in computer-aided governance solves the problems of speed, cost, compliance and excess volatility; ushering in a true retail coin ready for mass adoption.



Tokens 50
Est. value 50$
Ends in 0 days
Validation 100% REAL


Token type Own Blockchain
Total supply
1 ETH =
Created at: May 31, 2018 8:15 am


Required Tools: Email Telegram Twitter

    1. Start the Fluzcoin Airdrop Bot
    2. Join Telegram community channel
    3. Join Telegram announcement channel
    4. Follow on Twitter
    5. Submit your email-address

    Fluz Coin is not run on the ETH blockchain, you will be required to provide your email address so the Flux team can get in contact when distributing tokens. If you don’t provide your email address, you will not receive your tokens.

Join the airdrop

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Concept/Idea Website Team Whitepaper

Fluzcoin is the first retailing coin targeting $23 Trillion Market. Fluzcoin is run on its own blockchain hence why you haven't been asked to provide your ETH address during the sign-up process. Ensure you input the correct email otherwise, you will not receive your tokens. Fluzcoin consists of a team of 23 individuals including advisors, the executive team all have extensive experience in their fields and blockchain. Along with the Whitepaper, a summary and one-pager are provided. Only takes a few minutes to sign up so we highly recommend this airdrop.