Atlantis Blue

Atlantis Blue




Tokens 25 ABDT
Est. value 15$
Ends in 0 days
Validation 100% REAL


Token type ABDT
Total supply 400,000,000 ABDT
Price/Token 0.6
1 ETH =
Created at: Jun 10, 2018 4:04 am


Required Tools: Facebook Reddit Telegram Twitter

    1. Chat with this Telegram bot.
    2. Follow them on Twitter and retweet the pinned tweet using hashtag #AtlantisBlue.
    3. Submit your Stellar wallet address and other details to the bot.
    4. You will get 25 ABDT tokens.
    5. Also get 10 ABDT for every referral.

    If you don’t have Stellar wallet then get one from here.

    Don’t forget to join our Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter to receive new airdrops!

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Atlantis Blue is a mining company which aims to mine the precious metal larimar. Larimar is also known as the Blue Stone of Atlantis, hence the name for the platform. Each ADBT token is worth 1 gram of larimar. Atlantis Blue is airdropping 25 ABDT tokens to Twitter users. Follow them on Twitter and retweet the pinned tweet using the given hashtag to receive the token. Also get 10 ABDT for every referred friend.