Planport (PORT)

Planport (PORT)


Planport wants to develop solutions for the procurement and sourcing industry. Their target is to reduce the painful process for procurement users directly.



Tokens 25
Est. value 4.5$
Ends in 0 days
Validation 100% REAL


Token type ERC20
Total supply
Price/Token $0.17
1 ETH =
Created at: May 18, 2018 8:21 am


Required Tools: BitcoinTalk Telegram Twitter

    1. Join Telegram
    2. Follow and Retweet pinned post on Twitter
    3. Fill in the form with your ETH address along with your Telegram, Twitter & Bitcointalk usernames

    500M tokens will be evenly distributed to the participants after validation. We have provided a rough estimate of 20-25 tokens per individual, but just know this may increase or decrease depending on the interest.

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Concept/Idea Website Team Whitepaper

ICOBench has rated Planport 4.3/5. 2 of the team members including the Founder/CEO have been invited to fill out a KYC report, one of the two has passed while the other is awaiting confirmation. Both Whitepaper and one pager available to view on the website. They have a beta version available for people to gain access to once completing the form. Overall this project looks good, and we wish the Planport team all the best.